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What Is SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):
It is a kind of online marketing. SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines.
It has two main steps
·         On Page SEO
·         Off Page SEO

On Page SEO:
The SEO which is do on the website Home Page or other Pages on the Pages like, Page look, Title of Page, Description of Pages etc. known as the on Page SEO.
Off Page SEO
The work which is we do on the back of our site known as the off Page SEO. Mean make the back links for our site and traffic.

Link Building
All the Off Page SEO does though the link building. In which we promoter our site by submitting other sites and make the back links. Link building contains the following steps.
·         Article submission.
·         Press releases submission.
·         Add posting.
·         Blogging.
·         Blog Commenting.
·         Forum Commenting.
·         Social Media & Bookmarking.
·         Directory submission

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