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Unique and Clear Lights

"Nothing can deflate an affected cocktail earlier than a quick job with a paper umbrella." I am telling you that common people would not have any packages of little cocktail umbrellas in their kitchens. In consequence, I have also.

Cocktail Umbrella Lamp:

The unique clear lights tiny city lamp made by the cocktail umbrellas
each lamp comes with a high quality hanging cord and a 45-watt light bulb. These lamps have available in many types. Like
Flash & Juice:
Sunshine & Orange Dusk:



Hanging Light:

Cocktail Umbrellas and a paper lantern make it. It looks beautiful and have a simple way to brighten up any garden, plot, patch, and backyard of the party.

Table Light:

This light is very flexible. It is wait less due to this reason it move to one place to other is so easy.  Therefore, it is lighthearted having a sudden clip & wonderful clear Bulb.

Cylinder lamp:

It is a unique, useful, and well-designed art piece. It has also made by the cocktail umbrellas but here with the cocktail umbrellas used street lamp.

The Cylinder lamp, Umbrella Lamp and table lamps arrange here. I tell you shortly that all these lamps and lights looks like these if you use in the home.

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Fashion Recycling| Recycle Pop Tabs and Create Interesting Fashion Products

It is pleasant to know that most of us are concerned about recycling their waste.  Like most of the people, I was unaware of the fact that pop tabs of soda bottles or wine cans can be recycled to create amazing fashion products.

 Do not throw your soda bottles without collecting pop tabs from them. Get ideas from the following pop tabs fashion products. Let your creative juices flow and get some inspiration! Start recycling pop tabs and surprise others with the creative uses of pop tabs/pull tabs

Pop Tab Prom Dress:

This is a very special prom dress made from soda bottles
pop tabs or pull tabs. This dress is made from 4,296 pop tabs. These pop tabs could have been thrown into landfills, but the designer chose the other way round. 

Pop Tab Rainbow Shoulder Bag

Fancy carrying a beautiful rainbow shoulder bag? Recycle your pop tabs and turn them into a multi-coloured stunning hand bag.

Pop Tab Jewellery:
If you are one of those ladies, who love to wear unique jewellery, then try experimenting pop tabs for your fashion craves.

Pop Tab Necklace
This necklace has been made from pop tabs. Artist has used red beads very beautifully, to add a decorative tinge in the necklace.

Pop Tab Earrings:

Here is one more example of pop tab jewellery. Pop tabs are knitted together with a crochet thread in round to make earrings by recycling pull tabs.
Recycle your waste and create new products. Save your world. Contribute and support green products.                                                                                                                                

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